Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Non-traditional Housing stock

‘Non-traditional construction’ is used to describe housing built after the war using materials other than traditional bricks and mortar. Known commonly as ‘system houses’ and often designed by large contractors they commonly had pre-cast concrete frames and panels and suffered from problems like damp due to solid wall construction and no insulation.

Approved repair can bring them up to a standard that is acceptable to mortgage companies and insurers, and specialist repairs can upgrade them at reasonable cost, i.e. structural repairs, fitting external insulation systems and rendering or brick slips.

Tuesday, 29 September 2009

The initial brief

Exploring new ways of appraising and using non traditional stock (including non traditional building, sheltered schemes, garages and bedsits) to ensure their financial, social and environmental sustainability.

This project could contribute to the evolving Asset Management Strategy developed by Sheffield Homes, in conjunction with the Council, by exploring, proposing and testing scenarios based on active community involvement in the refurbishment and maintenance of housing stock (and related assets), their waste management as well as community facilities and green areas.

The project would also aim to review the current thinking about cost effectiveness and value for money of interventions on existing fabric in non standard stock.